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    Imagine that you are going to travel. You know where you're going, can we say Rome? Fine. So you're going to Rome. You sit down at your computer and order a ticket. Then comes the question: - where do you travel from? You are supposed to have a plane ticket, let's put it this way, to Rome, but you must know where you are traveling from - and you do not know that! Fantastic! The whole trip is canceled, because you do not know where you are leaving from. This is probably extremely rare for most people, in everything that has to do with travel. But, when it comes to self-introspection, which is also a journey, for most people this is the reality. Few people know themselves as a starting point for the journey. How is this possible? Let me take a step back in time. In ancient Greece, priests asked the oracles about the future. What is an oracle? Wikipedia says: An oracle is a person or agency considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic predictions, most notably including precognition of the future, inspired by deities. As such, it is a form of divination. One of the famous oracles of antiquity was the Temple of Delphi. The temple bore the inscription "Know thyself". Throughout the ages, philosophers and others have wondered what the inscription might mean. One explanation is about society's need for order - know yourself was about the individual human being should know his place in society and serve society from there. Another explanation is more spiritual and is about the one who wants to develop himself to know himself. It is this last explanation I take as my starting point. Let me still stay a little in the old days. When Buddhism migrated from India to China, it passed Tibet. The Tibetan teacher and sage, Milarepa (1052-1135 AC), teaches us that man consists of two forms of "I" - the Acquired I and the Inherent I. The Acquired I is created by senses and social restrictions, the Inherent I am our Higher consciousness waiting for awakening. This makes sense to me. My Higher consciousness are other words for my Inherent I. My Higher consciousness is so to say a more developed I. My limited consciousness is adapted to a world ruled by senses and emotions. To leave this world of limitations, I have to know it. Then I can head for my extended world; my Higher consciousness. This world, is a world of intuitive and causal awareness. The future state of consciousness for Man. Then I know the point of departure and the gate of arrival. We do not learn either from our parents or in the schools we attend, that we are an Acquired I and can liberate an Inherent I. Not so strange, since at least Western thinking is materialistic. In Western thinking about Man and Matter, there is no inherent spirit. I am therefore not so surprised that very few people do not know where to travel from and where to travel to. He who knows himself has put words to his Acquired I and can at least say: - I am here. Then follows the big question: - where are you going? In my introduction it was certainly Rome, but it was only a sketch of course. When it comes to the question of your individual evolution, which is a spiritual journey and therefore a journey in symbols and high energies, the question is somewhat different. A spiritual journey of evolution is not about a geographical destination, but about a destination of consciousness, your Higher consciousness. You should therefore also know your Higher consciousness. The moment you know "where you are" and "where you are going", you can do an exercise we call "bridging the gap" - you are then actually building the bridge between where you are and where you are going. This is entirely possible, otherwise I would not have disturbed you. From the moment you know yourself, you can liberate yourself - so get started! Jon


    I asked my youngest child “Where is heaven?”. She pointed towards the blue sky and said “That´s heaven”. Many times children draw the heaven or a sky as a thin blue line at the top of the paper. A clear boundary. But the time has come to evolve our thoughts and views of these boundaries in a collected Universe. What if there are no boundaries? I start off this article with one question that points in direction of some new perspectives; Where does the fabric of your body and brain stop, and the space continue? Humans and all other matter in the universe is built with the same building blocks. Through the history, starting with the Greeks finding of the atom, we have developed our knowledge about of what matter consist of, time after time. Today the quantum physicists point towards points of vibration energies. All of matter, all of space and hence the cosmos at large consists of vortex fluctuations at the smallest level known so far. In school we were taught that space was empty, and it really looks that way to the naked eye, but what if that is just one perspective. What if we can say the FULLNESS of space instead? With our new knowledge we know that space is full of energy fluctuations. Viewing space or Cosmos in this way can lead to a lot of changes, and give the possibility to create a paradigm shift in the Futures of Man. My colleague Jon Mostad raises the question about human’s ability to communicate through the vastness of space in his September article. The latest research actually describes how this can be possible, but now in a new context. Let us imagine that the same universal rules and basic structures is applicable from the tiniest to the largest things in the universe. Fresh knowledge shows that it is likely that all of the matter, all of space and even to the black holes, have common structures. The scale is very different and also the way it affects space-time, but the principle governing is the same. If the same physics applies across all scales in the Universe, we are now much closer to finding the unifying theory of everything. In fact, new understanding points to that particles are in fact very small black holes, or said in another way, small vortices of space-time. The huge black holes with the gravity and the mass of many suns have the same properties as what the quantum physicists are describing for the very small. The whole cosmos is fluctuating and spinning in a vortex-like-structure from the very smallest and all the way to the size of black holes and galaxies. Moving further on this view, the pure spinning of energies and their fluctuations are what create mass and thereby matter as we know it. This is happening at all the different scales in the universe. Warping space-time is creating the different objects of different mass and sizes that exist in this Universe. In this relatively new view, the quantum fluctuations are tiny oscillations and the true building blocks of the universe. In this view the whole universe is a vortex of space-time at different scales. These oscillations may also be the carrier of what can be called Quantum information piercing all of space and time. If we use the FULLNESS view of space things would look quite different and it even brings back the Ether into the equation, it might be the medium in which communication through the fabric of space is possible. This fullness of space and the possibility of a conscious universe down to the quantum level, is really a big shift in our understanding. This new understanding and the newest equations also points in the direction of a continuous information flow through fluctuations at this energy level. Scientist describe this as a never-ending feedback-loop throughout all of space. “Space is not empty. It is full….The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy” - David Bohm “Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept of space loses its meaning” - Albert Einstein These findings mean that all matter including Man, and all other living things of The Earth consist of different elements from the whole. We are manifestations of the same energies evolved over eons of time. We are just one of many manifestations of the fullness of space. We are actually and literary swimming in the vast ocean of energy-space-time. The humans are also energy beings, not separated from our environment – the universe, we are all made of the same fabric. To be a Human being is quite complex, very beautiful and a little mind-boggling. To think and reflect about our existence like described by the scientists is beautiful, and maybe a little frightening. Knowing that space, in its vastness, contains enormous amount of energy will create new opportunities. We should be able to harness the abundant amount of energies of the fullness of space. Experiments in this area has already been conducted. If we succeed in the endeavor - the cars, cellular phones and all devices could be self-sustained with energy. We don’t need the batteries that now harm the environment. We no longer need the burning of fossil fuels for heat and in vehicles. We would no longer need fusion or fission reactors for electricity. This would truly be a most needed paradigm-shift for humanity towards a sustainable Future of Man on this beautiful Earth. To understand and take advantage of this energy may also eventually enable us to travel to the stars. All the energy is already there! Stay tuned with FoM Jarle Berghammer The enormous black hole and the Liliputian one are just manifestations of different scale. If you jump into the big maybe you transforms to the tiny one. IEverything is connected and has a dependence to each other. Our communication spans through our complete being and connects us to all other beings. Most forms yet to be discovered. We are all made of the same stuff and therefore have a common source. The ones most developed have the responsibility to care about all others. To help and guide the right to thrive for everything. LECTURE #1 The Connected Universe | Nassim Haramein | TEDxUCSD ARTICLE #1 Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit | C.M.Wilson READINGS #1 The Fullness of space | Gareth Wynn - Williams READINGS #2 Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale - Contemporary Theories in Quantum Gravity | Craig Callender Go Back To Portals: -> Technology -> Holistic Science -> Consciousness


    What does femininity mean in a context with others when we do not think about gender? I’ll stick to the point: Femininity is the evolving future scenario for Man. Let’s have a deeper look. Do you know Theosophy? The term theosophy, is derived from the Greek theos (“God”) and sophia (“wisdom”), and is generally understood to mean “divine wisdom”. However, my text is neither religious nor aimed at an understanding of God, my text is aimed at understanding possible futures for man. But, Theosophy as a spiritual philosophy, are pointing towards a meaningful understanding of what I try to express. Follow me. Theosophy explains the manifestation of the universe through three creative sources. The masculine source is the form of imagination. The creative force holds the ability to express itself through images. The feminine source is the form of polarity - that is the form of moving. The creative source expresses itself through source of movement. The association of imaging and movement, gives the source of consciousness. The child of the two. Movement is explained as the universe's ability to give birth to the image into life. By studying ancient Egyptian statues of Gods, we can see how the feminine God (the movement) leads the masculine God (the imagine) into life and therefore into action. Femininity is the manifestation of giving life. Femininity is is to see and to be seen. It is the focus on movement through the development of care and knowledge. Exactly as the good caregiver cares for a child. Let me jump to the way humans communicate. There are two directions, where one is driven by force and the other is driven by source. The language of force is the masculine one and the language of source is the feminine one. No caring parent rise a child through force. The feminine modality of the language is about seeing each other, confirming each other and following each other into action. By meeting, supporting and protecting each other, we speak the feminine modality. Only by daring to learn and therefore also to succeed in other ways than provided, we can learn. We only learn through physical, mental and mental relocation. Just here is the femininity the source offered by the universe. When you speak through the feminine modality, you speak by support from the universe's life-giving source. Let me give you an example of what I mean by the universe's life-giving source. You know the dandelion? This little translate flower in the ditch. It grows in dirt and muddy water. You have probably also seen how it grows through asphalt in the roadway. Without letting go, it refuses to give up. It will reconcile its yellow busted head with the sun's warm and nourishing rays. The dandelion is a survivor. The dandelion overcomes the biggest obstacles and it reaches its purpose without using force. The dandelion grows through source. We can not see this source that works through the dandelion, nor does it have its name knoen and it can not be explained. The ancient Chinese natural philosophers called it the source of TAO. I'm talking about nature's second creative source; the movement. The dandelion carries on an idea of ​​what it means to be a dandelion, and up to this picture it moves. We witness the creative feminine power of the universe. Futures that come will require new forms of relationships. The future I want to attract is a forceless future image. When I choose a forceless performance, I can put it to life by speaking a language that moves, a feminine language. When I speak femininity, I hear what does not sound, see what does not form and understand what is not thought. Jon


    September 2020 "They talked past each other for 20 years and felt hit every day" You have heard the story - yes, maybe also experienced it? You talk and talk to another, but are not understood. On the contrary, you become suspicious and feel accused. The phenomenon is known to all of us. I often say that it is easier to send a probe to the planet Mars and be understood, than it is to convey a message to another person on the other side of the table. Why is it like that? What is it about communication between humans that is so difficult? In this article I want to make visible a not so known dimension in communication between humans, communication in energies. Will humans of the future be able to "hear what has no sound, see what has no form and understand what is not intended"? Will the a soundless language be the future for humans? My colleague Ulf Kurkiewicz writes about the future of man as a cyborg, a challenging perspective for us humanists. My colleague Jarle Berghammer writes about quantum computing and entanglement in the cosmos. Will humans in time be able to communicate throughout space? Futures of Man raises some issues that are highly relevant, let me go to this article's topic - communication in energies. My future forecast Through studies, experimental work and experience, I know that people communicate with far more than words in a systematized language. Humans use the word as sound in an attempt to transact meaning. At one end a sender and at the other end a receiver, between them a relationship and for each of them a cultural filter that encodes and decodes the meaning of the word. The only thing that is certain in communication between people is that it is vague. When the sender and recipient accept that they understand each other, it is almost a miracle. The story of the spouses talking past each other and feeling hit is not so distant. The situation is not so strange as man communicates from different cultural contexts, with emotions such as sensors and mental performance images that are individual. Man sends, receives and responds to language as intuitive contexts and individual phenomenon. Human communication is not necessarily analytical and logical. Here comes the challenge of artificial intelligence on the table. The artificial intelligence that now learns human language and that can respond to linguistic commands from a human user of e.g. IT programs, is algorithmic. The artificial intelligence is programmed and therefore free from unconscious connections and emotional influences. Artificial intelligence is super-intelligent, but it does not think in unconscious contexts and emotional dimensions - not yet. What will happen when artificial intelligence is built into humanoids (human machines) and given an emotional body and therefore can communicate in "emotions", is a challenge I will return to on a later occasion. Follow us on Futures of Man! Let me get to my topic - communication in energies. We quickly agree that words are sound and sound are vibrations and that vibrations are energy waves. What if words have both an agreed meaning content (which is rarely understood) and an energy level (which is neither known nor understood)? What if words are both "meaning" and "frequency" - a language in the language? To some extent the word can be understood but the energy can only be perceived by the body's unconscious intelligence. How complicated will the communication then turn out? This is my point. Communication between people is extremely demanding because it takes place both in a "wordly language" with sound and agreed meaning and in an "energy language" with vibration without agreed meaning. I have to explain further. Many years ago I was introduced to Qi-gong, a meeting that opened up for me to learn about the energy body, about the body's energy pathways and energy centres. A revelation to me. I learned about the seven main chakras and how they build an energetic body in the body. I learned about how blockages in the chakras block the free flow of energy and can cause physical and mental ailments. I also received acupuncture for pain and discovered how balancing the energy body releases and provides health. Through experimental work, I gradually learned how obstacles related to the chakras can be dissolved and attract liberating possibilities, all related to the body's seven energy levels: Root Chakra - the body's existential energy center located at the base of the spine Hara Chakra - the body's sensual energy center located at the lower part of the diaphragm Solar Plexus Chakra - the body's energy center for self-confidence located in the diaphragm Heart Chakra - the body's energy center for love located in the middle of the chest Throat Chakra - the body's energy center for communication of life purposes located in the throat Forehead Chakra - the body's energy center for gathering new information located in the forehead Crown Chakra - the body's energy center for the whole brain located at the top of the skull Each of these centres of energy is associated with a colour (which is an expression of a different form of energy vibration than words) and they participate in the configuration of the body as a fine-tuned instrument. Those who live with a blocked Root Chakra will have to compensate for an existential uncertainty that affects the other chakras. I'll give you an example. One person tells you "I fear for the future". Then you have seven different levels you can understand the statement at: 1. An existential challenge - communication from the Root Chakra 2. Lack of joy in life - communication from the Hara Chakra 3. Need for control - communication from the Solar Plexus Chakra 4. Desire for love - communication from the Heart Chakra 5. Uncertainty about the meaning of one's own life - communication from the Throat Chakra 6. Sees no new opportunities - communication from the Forehead Chakra 7. Absence of a holistic understanding - communication from the Crown Chakra If your response misses the sender's energy level (intentional level), your response may hurt worse. Let me imagine that your interlocutor sends you the message "I fear for the future" and the message comes from a blocked Root Chakra. You do not perceive that the message is "existential", that is, you do not perceive the message as linked to the very understanding of life, the way of life, to love for oneself, or to a greater financial challenge - all this I categorize as existential challenges. You interpret the statement as an expression of a lack of joy in life, i.e. a message from Hara Chakra. Your answer is something like this - "it's sad to hear, I think you would benefit greatly from getting more out among other people, dancing and playing more, making a journey and meeting exciting challenges". Guaranteed noise. The other will not feel heard, seen or understood. The basis for a heated argument can be laid. Let me give you another example. Another person tells you "I'm probably an introverted person". Again, you have seven different levels you can understand the statement at - and not least react to: 1. Do not believe in the value of oneself as an introvert - communication from the Root Chakra 2. Finds little to enjoy - communication from the Hara Chakra 3. Unsure of oneself in dealing with other people - communication from the Solar Plexus Chakra 4. Do not dare to be in your own feelings for others - communication from the Heart Chakra 5. Does not convey the value of being oneself - communication from the Throat Chakra 6. Obstructed by old performances - communication from the Forehead Chakra 7. Do not unite logic and emotions into a common image - communication from the Crown Chakra Can you see how divergent the different reactions will be perceived for the one who most of all wants to be met and understood? Can you agree with me that communication is "the art of the impossible"? Still, people have to communicate and people do, even though it often goes wrong. The language of silence In this article, I point out the possibilities for people to speak a silent language within the language. A language without words, but with seven possible energy levels that are not compatible. This means that a message from, for example, Root Chakra is not compatible with a message from Solar Plexus Chakra, even if the words are the same. I think that the next generation of language for humans means being able to communicate in compatible energy levels and thereby resolve conflict-creating communication. I started this text by connecting to the future of man as Cyborg and want to round off there. The great challenge for humans will be whether artificial intelligence is programmed so finely tuned that it can also interpret energy levels through sensors in artificial bodies. The combination of the super intelligent artificial intelligence and the super sensitive artificial body of a humanoid controlled by algorithms, is the great challenge of humans. How to find the path to such a future? I probably would not have raised the question and spent time formulating an article on the topic, if I did not see a portal and had a positive understanding about Man’s future opportunities. We should meet for new articles here in Futures of Man. Until then, you may know a little about what this perspective may mean to you. All good Jon Editorial comment: This PREMIUM article has a length of approximately 1600 words. The standard length of a PREMIUM article is of approximately 1000 words. An extended PREMIUM article may have the function of being a Mother article. That means it holds an opening of a perspective that will be followed up by connecting articles performed from an other portal in Futures of Man Magazine. The future of man lies in a new self-insight and expanded consciousness, together with a forceless language. Humans of the future will learn to hear what does not have sound, see what does not have form and understand what is not thought. The future is in a sense a game where you have to place yourself in the best possible position. You can start that exercise now, before the game directs you. How to place your self in the future? That is the big question that few are concerned about. Futures of Man points to directions and opportunities, and you will always get an answer if you ask. The future is full of opportunities at the same time it offers some challenges. The purpose of evolution is the development of consciousness, that is, how you sense and interpret what you encounter. You can be an active co-creator in the evolution of your own consciousness. I think this is what the Dalai Lama means by "get a bigger life" LECTURE #1 Introduction To The Chakras: A Beginners Guide Dr. Rita Louise LECTURE #2 Sadhguru explains about 7 Chakras - Part 1 LECTURE #3 The power of listening | William Ury | TEDxSanDiego ARTICLE #1 A Beginner's Guide To The 7 Chakras - By Yogi Cameron - Yoga, Meditation, & Ayurveda Guru ARTICLE #2 What is communication? Learn what communication is with a detailed definition and breakdown of the various types of communication. Published by Editorial team, last update Sep 4, 2019 ARTICLE #3 Communicating Emotions Eglantine Julle-Daniere, Ph.D., is a psychologist and a part-time lecturer at the University of Portsmouth. READINGS #1 The Book of Chakras: Discover the Hidden Forces Within You/Ambika Wauters READINGS #2 The Art of Communicating/Thich Nhat Hanh READINGS #3 You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters/Kate Murphy Go Back To Portals: -> Technology -> Holistic Science -> Consciousness


    August 2020 The development of man - machine functionality is very rapid. It spans over almost any technological aspect and is ongoing right now, as you read this text. The intention of all this development and progress is to make things better for people and society. What are in the developing loop then? Let us have a brief look. Nano medicine is about to use extremely small particles and materials. To create methods to transport the medicine to only to the defect/infected part of the body. This is mainly for curing cancer, but investigation to create nano-antibiotics is ongoing. Nano technology within the medical area can be used for a different range of areas. It could be used to deliver drugs, conduct diagnosis, antibacterial treatments, wound treatments or even for cell repair. In parallell with this development examination of the possibility to use the bodies owns ”nano-bots” is ongoing, the Vesicles as transporters or analytical tools. Technology makes it possible for people, disabled from birth, from disease or injuries during life to regain functionality lost. Maybe not with full capacity or exactly the same functionality as before, but nevertheless. The development of prosthetic limbs, hearing devices and even devices to regain sight is going fast. We already have mind-controlled artificial limbs and work is ongoing with brain implants that will help restoring hearing for deaf people or restore sight fore some blind people as well. But the development does not stop there. Development of exoskeletons are moving forward. Helping paralysed people to be able to walk or to help old people that has difficulties to walk. In the future you can imagine exoskeletons helping persons with assistans in heavy lifting. There is also a development ongoing with features that can be implanted in peoples bodies, features beside the ones for replacement or augmentation of normal activity. The ”first” official cyborg, Neil Harrison has an antenna like sensor built into his scull and it translates different wavelengths to vibrations on his skull, which he then perceives as sound. He has increased the area of ”sight to span also over infrared as well as ultraviolet spectra. Implementation of things as usb port, microchips, other types of sensors and digital tattoos. With functionality that is not part of the normal biological functions. You could use those gadget to open your door, open and star your car or pay for your purchases. Development of gadgets or functionalities with non reversible changes is alson ongoing. Technologies that are changing fundamental things as DNA is one example. These things will be very hard to reverse, if even possible, and they will have an impact on coming generations. Another example is to restore sight by implementing working genes back into the body. All of this sounds very promising and will help people to get healthier lives, more precise medical treatment. It will be beneficial for society as well as for individuals. And there is no end of what can be achieved from the technological development. But very soon, if not already now, people will not be satisfied with just support or restoration of deficiencies. They want to have more abilities and more advanced augmentation. Possibility to see other spectra, jump higher, be stronger, be protected, become smarter, be able to design their bodies, or their offspring. When the technology will let us actually start to design matter itself, atom by atom, we need to start to ask questions. Is this beneficial for humanity? If yes, in what way? If no, what to do? When we can integrate parts of our body to computers, or even, in a far fetched future, actually upload your mind into the cloud. The most advanced ideas is to upload a copy of your self into the cloud. A better, and a smarter version of yourself. A copy that might keep your memories and significant parts of who you are. There has been an experiment where an interface between brain neurons has been integrated with an implanted microchip in the brain. The chip in turn interacts with a computer. A direct interface between a brain and a computer. The chip will be able to ” restore” any brain damage according to Elon Musk. The technological development raises some questions we need to relate to. We most likely will be able to develop all smart things we can imagine. Things that have been impossible before is suddenly possible. The examples are many. Im am convinced that we will find technical solutions to things that really is not a problem. I also think that coming generations of humans might want to integrate with supersmart AI systems. Becoming real smart cyborgs with the capacity of things we would not even imagine. Reducing human to a mixture of man-machine. Does all of this force us to become ”Cyborgs” in the future? It might if we do not engage of what is ongoing. Not trying to get at bigger view of what is ongoing and what might be possible might be a big mistake. Only because something is possible from a technological point of view does not mean that it is necessary to do. There might be other ways to follow. Other areas that are scientific but not necessarily technical in the sense mechanical. According to Gregg Braden we already have the functionality to interact with the braincells remotely. We all are equipped with mirror neurons, that actually cannot see the difference of things you experience inside with your body by events that occur outside your body and gives you the same sensations that if they where experienced by you directly. A form of wireless communication already built in our bodies. Maybe there are other functions within that we yet have to discover? Things that already can conduct some of the things we try to achieve by technology. Let us use and develop technology that benefits us as individuals and as society. Keep you updated and engaged. Be conscious Ulf In the long term the technological development might make it possible to upload a copy of yourself into the cloud. A copy that never have to sleep and that conduct things not physically possible for the in flesh you. Occasionally you can shake hands with yourself. Our physical bodies are fragile and limit us to fulfil some of our dreams. Technology has developed new materials that can be integrated into our bodies and let us have functionality from our dreams. Getting us stronger, more resilient and smarter. Creating a new version of ourselves. Communication is essential for us humans. Interaction between computers and human brains with neuron interfaces might lead to wireless communication between humans. Mirror neurons might already have that functionality, let us find out how to use them and extend our ways of communication.. LECTURE #1 "This Could Be a Tragedy For Humanity" | The First Brain Chip Implant | Be Inspired | Gregg Braden LECTURE #2 CAN NANOBOTS ACTUALLY EXIST? | TRANSHUMANIA ARTICLE #1 From Human To Cyborg: Are You Willing To Augment Your Body? | The Medical Futurist ARTICLE #2 Cyborgs will replace humans and remake the world, James Lovelock says | Mach ARTICLE #3 How a colourblind became the first Cyborg READINGS #1 Readings Robin Hanson | The age of EM READINGS #2 Innovative Diagnostics and Treatment: Nanorobotics and Stem Cells | Tomasz Jadczyk, Ewa Bryndza Tfaili READINGS #3 Natural-Born Cyborgs : Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence | Andy Clark Go Back To Portals: -> Technology -> Holistic Science -> Consciousness


    «See the Universe as pure consciousness and love as its creative maths» (@mostadjon) The universe evolves with a precision and complexity that has puzzled humanity at all times. Humans have used myths and observations of the stars' movements, at all times, and today through scientific analysis. In my personal spiritual process where I seek a deeper understanding of who I am, where I come from and where my journey goes, I have had to form a great narrative of the origin and movement of the Universe. In this text I reflect more deeply on my quote: See the Universe as pure consciousness and love as its creative maths (Instagram @mostadjon). I post a text every week CET 7 PM, on my blog The texts are small oases where I reflect on topics related to existential, phenomenological and spiritual themes. I am particularly keen to understand a future for Man in the face of artificial intelligence. The week's text is followed up with quotes and captions on Instagram where you find me as @mostadjon. You can subscribe for free and without obligation on my blog and get my texts directly to your mailbox. The universe as pure consciousness? I have left the notion of science that consciousness is created in and by the human brain. Such a story makes no sense to me. Ancient Myths, Eastern Religious Explanations, Theosophical teachings, and Modern Scientific Assumptions, tell of an image in which all matter is connected and part of a complex community of consciousness. In particular, the Hungarian scientist Ervin Laszlo's idea of consciousness is interesting to me. Very briefly, Laszlo explains consciousness in this way: First understanding: Local consciousness, consciousness occurs in and by the individual human brain Second understanding: Distributed awareness, awareness takes place in the form of smaller networks of human beliefs similar to networked computers Third understanding: Cosmic consciousness, The universe itself is a great consciousness that creates itself through   interaction with all life Laszlo's third understanding creates harmony to me. The idea that all matter is movement and connected to each other as a great tissue is an ancient mythical notion that finds its new form in science that dares to seek new insights. Consciousness develops both at a subatomic level and at an atomic level, and at all levels of frequencies from minerals, plants, animals and humans, and at a metaphysical-cosmic level. Evidence for consciousness in the cosmos The Norwegian author and editor, Henrik B. Tschudi, states in the book "Consciousness in the Cosmos" (Flux publisher, Oslo, 2016), four perspectives that point to consciousness in the cosmos: The Order of the Universe: Processes in the Universe appear as results of patterns and relationships that cannot be explained by coincidence and the absence of "information". Coherence in the Universe: Processes in the Universe seem organized in two main forms that can provide the         basis for the notion of a universal underlying dominant "attractor". One main form is "numerical coincidence" between the fundamental parameters of the Universe and the other is "fine-tuned and coherent" physical constants. It is beyond the scope of my text to explain these two terms in more detail. Shortly I can say that the expansion of the Universe would have collapsed if the expansion after The Bing Bang had been a billionth less than it was and if it had been a billionth larger, the Universe would spread so rapidly that it would only manifest thin-flowing cold gases. If the strength of the electromagnetic field relative to the gravitational field had been similarly minimal, stable stars such as the sun and therefore no planets would not have found their shape. Thus, life would not have been developed. These are just two of several coincidences that underlie the Universe in its form. The Order of Evolution: The universe evolves and changes over time. If we can see that the macrostructures that give the Universe its shape are marked by order, we can say that evolution evolves intelligently and that this intelligence also underlies evolution. If we can identify coherence and order in the evolution of life on Earth, may we say that the same order is the basis of the evolution of the Universe? Direction in development: Life is the result of processes that require structures that conserve and transform energy, we can talk about processes with high structure. This is in contrast to physical processes in general, which are characterized by searching for instability and disorder, what is called entropy. Therefore, life is seen as an anomaly (an "error") in the Universe. That was how science thought until the 21st century. Today, science knows that life can evolve under conditions other than those that apply to Earth and that such conditions are not so rare. Complex molecules can be formed in active stars and this appears to be integrated into the processes that develop the stars. Life can prove to be embedded in the very evolution of the Universe and not just a coincidence that has arisen on planet Earth. Life breaks with science's notions of the physical universe and of principles for the development of physico-chemical systems. Life has emerged from high coherence characterized by active compounds that appear sensitive and precise. This form of sensitive interaction tells of a basic form of perception and it is called prehension. We can understand prehension as to "sense" (sense, perceive, grasp). All life forms perceive all other forms of life and for this no sense organ or nervous system is needed. The ability to prehend is an expression of the inherent coherence of the elements included in the physical system. The evolution produces more and more complex coherent compounds within and between systems, even bacteria can display "irritation" when exposed to environmental stimuli. Life that does not have sensory organs and nervous systems is capable of seizing processes they are part of and this is defined as primary perception. Prehension as it is expressed in primary perception is therefore to be regarded as a first sense - a primordial sense. The more complicated forms of life with sensory organs and nervous system can therefore relate to the processes they are part of, via two main forms: prehension and perception. I could write more about both prehension and perception, and linked them to the ability of certain people and cultures to "see what does not have form, hear what does not sound and understand what is not thought" (@mostadjon), but I delimit me here. My rationale for inviting you into this philosophical space is to outline how consciousness in the cosmos can evolve and that you are co-creator of cosmic consciousness. Ancient Myths How do new thoughts of consciousness and the cosmos relate to ancient myths of the same? The Chaldean-Egyptian myth world existed for thousands of years before our era. Together with the other great ancient cultures at that time, their knowledge was transformed by Greek and Roman art and philosophy, on which our Western culture and science are largely based. By reading me deeply into ancient myths conveyed through pyramids, hieroglyphs, and obelisks, I see connections and explanations that open up a larger world to me. Ancient Egyptians and the surrounding great cultures of that time, had knowledge of a mathematics and a cosmology that explains the beginning, structure, and development of the Universe. From the Egyptian monumental edifices erected to mirror the shape and development of the Universe, to the Pythagorean's theoretical interaction with mathematics and music, based on the same insight, I got keys to understanding numbers as a mythical language in line with the hieroglyphs and myths told with pictures . The Greek philosopher Pythagoras (c. 570 - c. 495 BC) was initiated into the Egyptian mythology and founded his academy in the Greek colony Kroton, south of Italy, where he continued his insights from his studies with the Egyptian priests. I have to ask you to wait until I find the place and time to look more closely at Egyptian insights into the world of numbers, based on their architectural and pictorial constructions and on Pythagorean's philosophy of the mystery of numbers. In this text, I point to ancient Egypt and Pythagoras, to give you a thread to hold on to and create the foundation for a final comment. By comparing what science of our time knows about the cosmos and the new insights that come with, among other things, Ervin Laszlo's thoughts on cosmic consciousness, with ancient knowledge of natural laws that are forgotten for us today, we can glimpse a connection. The mathematics of love Mathematics in our time and in our western context has evolved to become a science of structure, order and relationships. Mathematics is made up of logical conclusions based on basic assumptions (axioms). Mathematics uses a distinctive symbol language with an almost universal distribution. However, mathematics of our time is detached from ancient mythical beliefs about the magic of numbers and their relationships with natural laws that are hidden and forgotten. Pythagorean's important teachings are remembered and used, but the Pythagorean doctrine of the spiritual world of numbers is hardly known. I must leave this perspective in this text and be careful to point out that such a breach exists. The universe may have been created with the aim that out of entropy (disorder / chaos) life should arise (order / structure) and life should develop forms that we see today, which are part of the unification of the Universe as cosmic consciousness. Such a performance is consistent with the Chaldean-Egyptian cosmology and is reflected in their architecture, language and mathematics. By taking such a point of departure for my reflections and by supporting me in mathematics as a universal and evolutionary language for all time and all contexts, I ask: is love the language of creation and mathematics its scientific expression? What do you think? Jon


    Man has detached himself from nature; drifting lonely, afraid and abandoned in Cosmos. Is there a way home? May an evolved perspective on the construction of self-knowledge and expanded consciousness be the path of human beings towards new futures? Medieval philosophy of nature, ties together pre-history Mother Earth, Plato's teachings of ideas as the origin of antiquity, ancient ideals of genderless beauty, the Christian interpretation of nature as a picture of God's being, and the medieval integration of " God " as both a transcendent and at the same time moving force, stands out more clearly to me. A connection between the experience of nature and human development of self-knowledge and consciousness, has come more clear. Human’s study of the forms of nature - both as idea and as movement - fascinates. I can see the cosmology of Egypt and Pythagoras Hylozoic throughout. The Egyptians 9 Neteru are gate openers and storytellers on the journey into mysticism, where insights into unknown causal chains await. Through ancient initiations into secret mythology, Man begins the detachment from a symbiosis with nature and therefore matter in the broadest sense, and establishes himself as an independent Master of nature; Man stands out as a form of being, a form of being in solitude. The self-construction and the logical-analytical form of consciousness that characterizes modern Man is the result of a distinction between Man and nature. The development of self-knowledge and consciousness has made Man a reflective and cognitive being, but at the same time left man alone in Cosmos. "The Purpose of Evolution is the Development of Consciousness" - if Hylozoic's understanding of evolution is correct and Man is the life-form which through eons of reincarnations has developed the ability of self-reflection and the ability to put the reflections into meaningful communication, I can understand the necessity of detachment from nature . The detachment places man in a position in relation to matter that makes man lonely. The loss of meaning in nature and the development of human self-assertion beyond any cosmic dimension is an unknown developmental step in history. History knows no other civilization than Western civilization, which has broken the bond to the whole from which it sprang. The price of evolution for bringing Man to self-construction and logical-analytic consciousness is separation from nature and solitude in the Cosmos. The evolution of a self-constructing humanity also brings with it a technical evolution that provides opportunities to support logical and analytical processes at a level that the human brain cannot keep up with. A meeting point where humans and machines move together in a community of interest, approaching, My eyes see two possibilities for development. Humans can continue detachment and increase the distance to the creation by letting rationality follow their own logic, or by being active in the evolution of a new self-awareness and expanded consciousness by being one with the creative process again. Deeply, these two approaches should be able to meet each other and create a new future for humanity. In a series of PREMIUM articles in the online magazine Futures of Man, I will outline a possible way to go. Curious? Please follow. Jon


    July 2020 The energies, the vibrations and the forms of communication between humans, nature and animals throughout the Universe are both fascinating and mind-boggling. Many textbooks have to be re-written in the near future, as we’re finding our true place on this blue marble, in the Milky way and in the Cosmos at lagre. Before I continue on this topic let me first tell you about an experience I had, with my colleague Jon, in the process of writing this article. I was safe in my home office situated near Oslo:Norway and Jon is watching and listening from his office in Aarhus:Denmark. Between the two of us, in good distance, we experienced what a part of this article is all about. In different areas of energies, vibrations and communications scientists are now proving what until recently has been more of a subtile feeling in the human brain. New forms of informational-exchanges are now being discovered and explained by modern science. During the one hour of conversation with my colleague, we were sharing information on many different layers. Through the limited human perception, we were of course verbally sharing ideas by talking in a normal fashion and listening. The body language was registered intuitively by the both of us. Yet still there were a subtle notion - a feeling of sharing mind - between Denmark and Norway. An integration of knowledge and communication between the two of us was most likely happening through a quantum connection. Our mutual engagement in the conversation spun up our energies both individually and collectively to better contribute to the discussion and solving the issues at hand. Some intriguing questions arise. What types of communication made it possible to collaborate this way? What really happens when two entities, in the universe, communicate and share ideas and information like this ? Through the fabric of space-time - communication and information exchange is happening all the time - it never halts. This exchange is transcending through many layers, from the level of the very small scale to the extremely large scale. When zooming in at the smallest scale known to Man - at the quantum level - it all becomes rapid moving energies with vibrations and informational exchange now believed to be faster than light. The knowledge and awareness of this extremely small level of sizes and energies is relatively new to Mankind. The process of Mankind being aware of it, points towards and explains, one of the most important pieces in the big picture. We are all connected through the same fabric of space. Another small experiment was conducted from the moon back to earth during NASAs Apollo 14. mission (1971) that also points towards the same. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell tested extrasensory perception and mind-reading with symbols down to four contacts back on Earth. The symbols Mitchell was thinking about and the others attempting to guess, turned out to be right a quarter of the time. He is known to have said: “It was euphoric, one of those rare moments in life when you seemed to be able to reach out and touch the universe, when you had an intuitive flash about the real meaning of truth.” He later founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Throughout all of creation we find energies and vibrations. Science measures this in a number of vibrations per second (v/s). The manifestation of these energy vibrations range from the slow sound-waves at 32 v/s, trough EM and radio frequencies from 16K v/s all the way through infrared at 35 billion v/s, visible light, ultra violet light, x-rays and all the way to gamma and cosmic rays (4.6 quintillion v/s - 18 digits) . All matter and everything really consists of energies and vibrations i.e vibrations at different frequencies. At all levels and sizes from the Quantum world to the Cosmic realm, information is transferred. A way to think of how Humans interact with the energies and vibrations is to compare our perception with an old radio receiver. It received just a portion of it all trough a very narrow band of waveforms in FM, AM (Long-, Middle- and ShortWave). Human perception also receives in a narrow band - both visually (400nm -> 700nm) and audio wise (20Hz -> 22KHz). The range of frequencies in the cosmos however ranges from extremely low frequencies at 3Hz found in black holes all the way to gamma and cosmic rays at 300EHz+. As my colleague Jon explains in his article from June, just because humans does not sense something directly - the energies, vibrations and communications are there, regardless of our awareness of it all. Since we humans are hardwired into this Matrix of the cosmos and are indeed vibrational beings, it is possible that information can be exchanged through the fabric of space-time as described in the conversation above. As in the conversation with my highly conscious colleague Jon, the bits of information that were exchanged between us is still a bit elusive and not completely understood. Still it all points in the direction of us being connected to a vibrational universe where everything is connected. With increased knowledge and awareness in the years to come we will in a holistic way be able to describe all of this and find our true place in the complete picture. In the Futures of Man we have some really important discussions to undertake and questions to ask. What happens to this beautiful dance of energies and vibrations if we hardwire our brains to AI with quantum computer? What then happens to consciousness ? On one hand this gives humanity the greatest tool of thinking power, but on the other hand we can loose the one thing that is embedded in our great source design. More of that from Futures of Man through our three portals Technology, Consciousness and Holistic science. Jarle Take a good look at the article above. My colleague and I developed most likely a sort of quantum connection. Mutual conversational engagement spun up and formed a unique metaphysical sphere of informational quality. Different areas of energies, vibrations and communications are now proved to be new forms of informational exchanges, recently known as subtle feelings in the human brain. This is pointing towards a new understanding of cognitive equations. Vibrations of energies never halts. Through the fabric of space-time, exchanges of information are happening endlessly all-time. Autonomously transcending many layers, small scale as well as extremely large scale, contents are transferred. LECTURE #1 Aaron O´Connell on Making sense of a visible quantum object LECTURE #2 Evan Grant on Making sound visible through cymatics LECTURE #3 David Eagleman on Can we create new senses for humans? ARTICLE #1 Castelvecchi on "Quantum Microphone" Puts Naked-Eye Object in 2 Places at Once ARTICLE #2 Christina Beck on Edgar Mitchell´s experiments of extrasensory perception ARTICLE #3 Nature on Cymatics for the cloaking of flexural vibrations READINGS #1 Brad Olsson : Quantum Physics for beginners READINGS #2 Hans Jenny : Cymatics READINGS #3 R. Shankar : Electromagnetism, Optics, and Quantum Mechanics Go Back To Portals: -> Technology -> Holistic Science -> Consciousness


    June 2020 I Jon Frang Mostad Climate crisis and artificial intelligence, the challenges for humans are not small. Our online magazine Futures of Man has made a conscious choice, looking positively for the future. We could have chosen the opposite, to look negatively at the future. A negative choice would not make the future easier, moreover, there is no need to stick with your lip. 'The energy follows the thoughts', an old word of wisdom. The way you think you become -Â as long as thoughts are energy and energy is matter, the more you create the future you imagine. I am proud to be a contributor to Futures of Man - the online magazine that seeks out positive future scenarios for humans. Futures of Man sees the future in many perspectives that humans can choose. Futures of Man seeks paths where people can continue their journey in peace and equality. This was the commercial, are you ready for my text? You may have read my previous text, 'Consciousness in Cosmos'? If not, then hurry, you are a co-creator of the cosmic consciousness and this is not a flirt. In the text I write about how modern scientific thinking has begun to ponder what ancient great knowledge cultures knew, namely that the cosmos is aware, I have a great message to you. In the text you are currently reading, I am creating some views on how to expand your own awareness while building the Cosmos. First and foremost, 'awareness' is a major theme. Neither psychology, neuro-science, nor philosophy has been able to provide a satisfactory answer. On the other hand, if I visit ancient scientific priests and astrologers, I find the keys to an exciting answer. Right now, in this text, I must refine to point to my colleague Jarle's text on "Holistic-Science-Epigenetics". There you will find an exciting perspective described. Well, what is awareness? For Man, awareness is the notion we can make about reality. Here are the 5 human senses essential tools. People see, hear, smell, taste and touch. These five senses create thoughts and images of a reality we can understand. For Man, reality is made up of length, width and height. What we call the 3 dimensional reality and we write it as 3D. Man has really big problems imagining other realities, because we have no senses that make it possible. Or is it not so? Am I telling you an untruth now? Maybe. Let me take a little detour. What is Extended Awareness? The human ear can hear sound in the voltage range between 20 Hz at the lowest and 20,000 Hz at the highest. The elephant can hear sounds from 12 Hz. What is it that the elephant can hear between 12 Hz and 20 Hz that Man cannot hear? Man's sense of smell is said to be our oldest sense, we can actually remember events in which we do not have mental pictures as long as we can recognize smell. What about the dog? Its sense of smell is hundreds of thousands of times stronger than human's. What is the dog smell that Man cannot?  Science know that the large marine mammals, the whales, navigate their voyages in the ocean, after the stars, even though the whales have not seen a star? What do the whales see? This is about realities that humans have no awareness of. There are realities that an expanded awareness can sense and make sense of. Now we are at the key to understanding what I mean by "expanded awareness». If humans can use their senses to understand larger realities, then this is about expanding their awareness. The expanded awareness I speak to Man is quite unlike the awareness of both elephants, dogs and whales. I'm talking about an expanded human awareness. Expanded awareness of Man is the result of an evolution of senses, emotions and thoughts, which extends beyond the physical needs of the body, the illusions of emotions and the fictions of thought. This may sound a bit philosophical, but it is about Man being "the boss in his own body". It is the awareness of Man to be individual in a serving fellowship with others for the common good of all, which is 'extended awareness’. With such awareness, war and climate crisis dissolve, and the artificial intelligence that my colleague Ulf wrote about is a servant to man and not a threat. How to develop your awareness? The late swedish esoterician and author Henry T. Laurency explains evolution as the development of awareness. All evolution of all matter and all forms of life is about the development of cosmic awareness. A great theme and very exciting! Laurency also says that humans can actively contribute to their evolution. The question is how? This is a very demanding question. Although not Laurency is quite clear on how we can get it done, he does lay out some certain clues. In my careless audacity and in a fit of overrated self-esteem, I have written a book published in Norway and Denmark, written in the respective countries' languages ​​and not yet in English, regardint this question. In the book I show a way to help you through a process to create new self-confidence and expand your awareness. Let me see if I can get back to the tools of the book in later texts. Futures of Man has a positive outlook on humanity and in the futures of humans. By being active in our own evolution, each of us can help build an awareness that holds peace, balance the nature and develope the consciousness of Cosmos. It's all waiting for us. Jon Forgotten Law of Nature tells «Energy follow thoughts». As long as thoughts are energy and energy manifests in matter, you will become the one the way you think. Ancient wisdom knew so, now do you. Awareness is a major theme, for not to say expanded awareness. No science has been able to provide a satisfactory answer. However, you will find a key to understanding by visiting ancient wisdom. It is about a not so complicated study. Expanded awareness of Man is the result of an evolution of senses, emotions and thoughts, which extends beyond the physical needs of the body, the illusions of emotions and the fictions of thought. This may sound a bit philosophical, but it is within range. 5 hindrances to self-mastery| Master Shi Heng Yi | TEDxVitosha What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It) | Tasha Euric The Gene Keys | Richard Rudd Go Back To Portals: -> Technology -> Holistic Science -> Consciousness


    Maybe there is a hidden message from the Universe during the days we taste right now? A message to focus on what really is important. To focus on family, friends and strangers. To show empathy, openness and compassion. No one is excluded from the risk so let the mask fall down. The wind of change is sweeping through the society, turning all the well known stuff uppsid down. Almost every business or service is interrupted and everybody is affected , directly or indirectly. Some has the luck to be laid of meanwhile other lose their jobs, their income or their business. Who could guess that a tiny virus should put the world upside down? Many people die and many more get very ill. The virus does not consider if you are rich or poor, it infect the ones that are susceptible. Our healthcare systems are near their breaking point when handling all the ill people. Some choose to deny that the virus constitutes threat and that the ill people only is infected by something not worse than an ordinary flu. Some leaders try to take cheap political points.They ly to their citizens or diminish the risks with the disease. Regardless from that the consequences will hit everybody anyway. The economy of the World has made little of a complete pause. The deniers and the believers will be equally hit. Sometimes a work leader is infected and really ill which makes it clear that nobody is safe or protected fully. People die from the disease in every country och sooner or later the bill will be pointed towards the leaders that has chosen to mislead their people. When countrys close down businesses and services, restrict travel, force people to keep themselves isolated, keep social distance to loved ones. In many cases people that might be at risk is kept isolated without possibilities to have visitors, both friends and relatives. Many people are forced into inactivity in the social aspect. You can’t go shopping, travel, have a party or socialise the way they are used to. The things you are used to is under strict recommendation or is prohibited. Suddenly the collective wellbeing is more important than individual freedom to do what you want. The protection of the ones at risk, protection of the healthcare system is put into to the front seat. The cost for the society is sky high and economy is put against the stop of the virus. A possibility that arise when you are forced to leave what have been occupying you is that you might have time to start to think about what you are doing. What can I do to minimise to end up here once again? What happens when the virus have decided to leaves alone? How is the inner feeling when there is no possibility to meet some of the loved ones? How do I feel to not have the possibility to even say goodbye to a loved one? The world is changing and a restart does not mean that moving back to the point where we were before the virus did hit us. The very foundation have changed. Many businesses and services has been forced to close down. Some have had the luck to be able to move their businesses out on the Internet and managed to survive. Many people have gained experience of working remotely, finding that you actually can be really productive from other places than your office. Finding that there are a number of tools that makes this easy to learn and to use. Old structures disintegrate and new ones emerge in their place. We have realised the importance of taking care of each other. No one ride out a storm like this alone, and yet we are at the beginning and not at the end of it. The full impact has not impacted us yet. Working towards solutions that have a holistic view must be the foundation. Businesses and services need to be beneficial to more than owners and investors. The things we put our effort into need to be beneficial, and bring joy, for the society and the citizens. The needed change start in the moment that we increase our awareness. Of how we behave, how we think and how we communicate. When we think over how it affects our selves and the ones that are near to us. How it affects other persons that are in our vicinity, and how it affects people we work with. How it affects our environment and other living species. When we observe how our behaviour affects others och think about what is really important, we might find small things that we can change in our behaviour that makes the ones around us can se a big difference. They can se that we have started to value the things that are really important in life, in the relation with our near ones and the relation to others and nature. "Time feels like it has stopped and you begin to be aware of yourself and of life. Awareness of who you are, deep inside, is emerging. Life, nature and earth is beautiful and you are an inseparable part of it. A new understanding of life has been born." When the change have started you will start reflect over the things you do at work, your hobbies or the ways you communicate. Is this what I want? Does this give me joy and satisfaction? Is it possible for other people to undertand me? Do I understand what other people say? Maybe I can change the priorities I do in my life? Put the most important stuff at the top? Prioritise collaboration before argumentation when I end up in a discussion or conflict? Value my relations over the will to win every discussion? Work to get common understanding with people that have other views than I have? Find that their view is as valid as mine. Increase your awareness of who you are and what you do. Increase understanding of the persons around you and look behind the mask of yourself and others. Put yourself in the frontline of the needed change of our behaviour. Let us show our self as the peaceful, loving and compassionate human being we are.


    May 2020 Does the development of artificial general intelligence leave most of us at the station? Artificial General Intelligence are systems, like humans, that has the ability to reason across many domains and that can use her knowledge into unknown areas. From a possibility point of view AGI can revolutionise research of medicine, production of medicine, production of food and green technologies. If we are successful, we might be dealing with climate threat, extreme poverty and pandemic. Max Tegmark , co -founder of Future of Life Institute, said, “I’m optimistic that we can create an inspiring high-tech future with AI, as long as we win the race between the growing power of AI and the wisdom with which the manage it.  Sometimes doomsday prophecies are written about AI and that the consequences will lead to the downfall of Earth.  In fact, is that nobody knows, many have opinions, in itself a good sign. Today's AI, compared to AGI, is still fairly simple but with great capabilities in limited areas. No one knows how an AI that is as smart or smarter than humans will affect our lives. Will it be beneficial or harmful? How should we build it so that it is safe? Can we create security mechanisms that we incorporate during the ongoing development? However, there are some risks where one is to become number one in the race be the first to have developed an AGI. This can have huge negative consequences if ethical or other views and if the need for safety mechanisms is underestimated, or even ignored. Another risk is that in our excitement to automate every work that is monotone or boring we can forget to take long-term consequences in consideration. A third one is the centralisation of resources, both economical and competence wise, to big governmental or global actors. Actors that is vacuuming the market or the state of the smartest and most educated people. A fourth risk can be the selection of the people that will form the development teams are selected from very homogeneous groups of the population. This might lead to missing important input parameters during research, design and development of AGI. An example of that can be achieved with ordinary. “simple AI” is when AlphaGo beat the world champion in the game GO. The system does not “Think” the same way we do, it takes other kinds of risks and sees opportunity’s we would not even consider. Experts of GO found out that the system made moves that we never would have done, not even in our wildest imagination. Another example is when Google's Deepmind beat man in the game Quake III, a game with multiple participants. The system has several of instances of” Bots” that worked together. The system eliminates the “Bots” with the weakest performance after every game-. They were replaced with a clone of the best performing Bot. What happens if a system ends up in a conflict regarding its objectives and human wellbeing? How would we know that information provided by the system is what we expected, if the system makes considerations we could not even imagine? What other perspectives do we need to take into consideration to manage and control of the development of AI? How do make sure that WE decide and not the system? Several different initiatives to address the different risks highlighted is ongoing. Research in different areas have been made possible by financial contributions. Independent institutes and or organisations is engaging in the task to keep control over AI and future AGI:s. To ensure that development of AI is as safe as possible, there is a need of new institutions that can provide knowledge and help spread knowledge. Institutes that conduct research and provide advice on how to regulate the ongoing development. Provide advice to politicians, authorities and other parties involved. We need to ensure that AI is provided with mechanisms that enable them to imitate and understand human behaviour, and human interactions. Mechanisms that allow machines and people to coexist on equal terms. This will only happen with courageous leadership as well as a dedicated collaboration among necessary partakers. Will we let some big corporations, organisations or states to take the lead of the technological development of AGI? Leave them to do their race in silence? Activities that either aim to guarantee a state's security and control or create maximum profit for its shareholders. Let these participants develop systems so powerful that we can't even imagine what they could accomplish. Most of them putting their own interest first - while there is a built-in conflict between states and other contributors’ interests and individuals or groups interests. Another interesting view is to observe the individuals that conduct the technical development. Who are they? Do they work in heterogenous or homogenous composed constellations? Which perspectives do they bring into the development? What can we small ants do then? Everyone can increase their awareness of what is happening. Make yourself aware of one of the biggest technical innovations we have seen in the history of mankind might be conducted by a few accomplices that have their own goals in focus. Use our increased awareness to engage in different fora’s. Start to lift questions towards our politicians, demand political actions and demand to be listened at. The subject is too important to be buried in an investigation that leads nowhere. The train is about to leaving the station – jump aboard and get involved. Put forward thoughts, opinions regarding every aspect what you think should be part of the game. Collaborate with others and create thoughts based on a longer perspective. My colleague @jon has previously written that humans and AI need to coexist and that humans need to expand their consciousness to come out on top of the ever-smarter systems. Our knowledge of how things are interconnected, something that another of my colleagues @ jarle has written about, shows us that we need to consider our development from a holistic point of view. We can’t develop new technology without to take into consideration many different aspects. Learn to understand the consequences from different courses of action. Be conscious! Ulf Has the AGI - train left the station or are we waiting for it to stop at our platform? Still there is time to choose the later situation. Still there is time to take action and prepare to jump on board when the train arrives. It just left the engine shed. Is this a situation we want to end up in? To be rectified to rules set by a small but powerful group of Titans, controlled by none. Or do we want to make our opinion heard  and given impact of the development so that the rules are beneficial for all of us. If we develop our awareness of what is happening in the technological development of AGI, we will realise that we have a choice. Together we can influence, put forward demands on our politicians and create massive force to be listened at. This is a question about the future of man. LECTURE #1 Myth and Facts About Super intelligent AI LECTURE #2 Deepfake Salvador Dali LECTURE #3 Google Deepmind: Ground-breaking AlphaGo masters the game of Go ARTICLE #1 AI safety research ARTICLE #2 A treasure map to understanding the epigenetic causes of disease ARTICLE #3 Internet is broken READINGS #1 Internet är trasigt - Martin Gelin & Karin Petterssonär_trasigt.html?id=JZ1yDwAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=y READINGS #2 The Big Nine - Amy Webb Go Back To Portals: -> Technology -> Holistic Science -> Consciousness


    April 2020 Science and religion has co-existed for thousands of years now. The common nominator is humanity´s attempt to explain the unseen, the larger than life and the human potential within. 
In many cultures of the earth, peoples have been looking to the stars for answers and the story of creation has been woven into their culture. The Mesopotamians, The Chinese, The Mayas, The Incas, The Indians, The Aborigines and The Egyptians all had this in common. They were tracking the heavens, noticing the cycles of time and trying to explaining it all in a holistic way. All this explaining and offering to the spirits and the Gods - was done in the beliefs coinciding with their thoughts and knowledge - in their time. Now in 2020 some of the earliest cultures are thought of as primitive, but a lot of their cultural heritage and basic knowledge still have a resonance in our modern eastern and western society. 
The spirit and human potential has lingered, and science is now finding what early cultures of man was only feeling and guessing at. In all times humanity have been downloading from the so called heavenly archives – maybe through a cosmic conscious network? The forefront science (physics and medicine) is now proving that ALL is connected, that ALL is one. The thoughts of separation from the universe, from God and from nature is wrong. 
Further the teachings of great humans like Muhammed, The Buddha and Jesus of Nazareth – when summed up and extracted from essence, is really together exposing the same part of the truth. 
It is all pointing at the real human potential, the essence of living our lives AND our connection with the source – with the great spirit. This is all pointing towards the same understanding – we have the Universe within and humans true potential is truly great. The view of these perspectives is split in the Western and the Eastern way to recognize and perceive this “new truth”. The patriarchal view of God and the great spirit is faltering. Could it be that the view of a “great bearded man” as THE source is a result of modelling thoughts over many thousands of years? Science and Mankind is hurdling towards a different understanding now – where the female and the feminine is balancing the equation. As the first astronaut in space where asked : “Did you see God out there? Yes…SHE is black” the man answered. To get a grip of the whole picture – a holistic view – you have to consider more than one piece of the puzzle at the same time. Humanity is now existing in a very interesting time of development. Forefront science of the best analytic minds are truly finding out what the great religions of the earth have been preaching for more than two millennia. To get a complete picture we are asking big questions in a new way like: “What is the real Matrix of existence?, How is this all connected?, What is dark energy and dark matter? How is it possible to affect our own DNA and others DNA?, Are we really one with The Earth in all her diversity?, Is our brains hardwired into the universe through microtubules – at a Quantum level?” My colleague @Jon tapped into that in his article about consciousness in cosmos – it may be that all is connected on the Quantum level - and that would be a quantum leap of new insight for Human kind. None of the above questions excludes a primary source. In the near future of man Quantum technology and Quantum Computing with Artificial intelligence (discussed earlier by my colleague @Ulf) will help us simulate and understand this I a new and profound way. Hold on to your hats Humanity are just learning to fly! As Man is venturing into the new sciences the masses have trouble coping with the cheer pace of development. One of the most exciting areas of science is genetics and epi-genetics. Epi-genetics means the layers or marks that is on top of genes and DNA chains that controls what genes to turn on and off. This is exciting science because it controls our health, our cells and our resistance for deceases like Asthma, Diabetes, Lupus, Alzheimer and Cancer. A new Epi-genetic Cancer medicine now removes epi-marks to restore the cells themselves to resist the cancer. In other words we are not killing cancer cells, but improving what is already there – our finest machinery. 
Scientists and doctors like Courtney Griffins and Bruce Lipton has done extensive research in genetics, epi-genetics and stem cells that proves how our 50 trillion cells are heavily affected, influenced and connected to their environment. 
 As if this was not interesting enough these epi-genetic marks can be changed by the way you live your life, what you eat and drink and even what you think! Science has found that you can program and activate many hundreds of your genes through meditation and thinking. 
This will in the Futures of Man be explained - in a scientific way - and through medical science, that all is connected. The implications of this is that we truly have to look in the mirror and think : What are we ? Who am I – really ? And…what are the source or God in relation to me as a “mere Human being”. Jarle Science and religion has co-existed for thousands of years now. The common nominator is humanity´s attempt to explain the unseen, the larger than life and the human potential within. To get a grip of the whole picture – a holistic view – you have to consider more than one piece of the puzzle at the same time. Humanity is now existing in a very interesting time of development. Don't judge your new workmate by appearance but investigate what you can accomplish together. Find your respective strong and less strong areas, learn from each other and get going. Your new colleague may not even be visible, hiding in a cloud or in some function on your computer or phone. Artificial intelligence helps us develop the most efficient production method with as few raw materials as possible in an energy efficient way. A method that takes place in an environmentally sustainable way. The product itself is easy to transform into new raw material when it has served out with its temporary purpose. LECTURE #1 Epigenetics and the influence of our genes - TEDx | Cortney Griffins | TEDxOU 2012 LECTURE #2 Evolution of possibilities - YouTube | Bruce Lipton | 2013 LECTURE #3 How genetics and environment work together to shape our destiny -TEDx Milena Georgieva | July 2013 ARTICLE #1 Epigenetics and the environment: emerging patterns and implications ARTICLE #2 A treasure map to understanding the epigenetic causes of disease ARTICLE #3 Heading Article#3 Link Article #3 READINGS #1 Introducing Epigenetics: A Graphic Guide READINGS #2 Epigenetics - Lyle Armstrong READINGS #3 The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance Go Back To Portals: -> Technology -> Holistic Science -> Consciousness

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