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Jarle Berghammer


April 2020

Science and religion has co-existed for thousands of years now. The common nominator is humanity´s attempt to explain the unseen, the larger than life and the human potential within. In many cultures of the earth, peoples have been looking to the stars for answers and the story of creation has been woven into their culture. The Mesopotamians, The Chinese, The Mayas, The Incas, The Indians, The Aborigines and The Egyptians all had this in common. They were tracking the heavens, noticing the cycles of time and trying to explaining it all in a holistic way. All this explaining and offering to the spirits and the Gods - was done in the beliefs coinciding with their thoughts and knowledge - in their time.

Now in 2020 some of the earliest cultures are thought of as primitive, but a lot of their cultural heritage and basic knowledge still have a resonance in our modern eastern and western society. The spirit and human potential has lingered, and science is now finding what early cultures of man was only feeling and guessing at. In all times humanity have been downloading from the so called heavenly archives – maybe through a cosmic conscious network?

The forefront science (physics and medicine) is now proving that ALL is connected, that ALL is one. The thoughts of separation from the universe, from God and from nature is wrong. Further the teachings of great humans like Muhammed, The Buddha and Jesus of Nazareth – when summed up and extracted from essence, is really together exposing the same part of the truth. It is all pointing at the real human potential, the essence of living our lives AND our connection with the source – with the great spirit. This is all pointing towards the same understanding – we have the Universe within and humans true potential is truly great. The view of these perspectives is split in the Western and the Eastern way to recognize and perceive this “new truth”. The patriarchal view of God and the great spirit is faltering. Could it be that the view of a “great bearded man” as THE source is a result of modelling thoughts over many thousands of years? Science and Mankind is hurdling towards a different understanding now – where the female and the feminine is balancing the equation. As the first astronaut in space where asked : “Did you see God out there? Yes…SHE is black” the man answered.

To get a grip of the whole picture – a holistic view – you have to consider more than one piece of the puzzle at the same time. Humanity is now existing in a very interesting time of development. Forefront science of the best analytic minds are truly finding out what the great religions of the earth have been preaching for more than two millennia. To get a complete picture we are asking big questions in a new way like: “What is the real Matrix of existence?, How is this all connected?, What is dark energy and dark matter? How is it possible to affect our own DNA and others DNA?, Are we really one with The Earth in all her diversity?, Is our brains hardwired into the universe through microtubules – at a Quantum level?” My colleague @Jon tapped into that in his article about consciousness in cosmos – it may be that all is connected on the Quantum level - and that would be a quantum leap of new insight for Human kind. None of the above questions excludes a primary source. In the near future of man Quantum technology and Quantum Computing with Artificial intelligence (discussed earlier by my colleague @Ulf) will help us simulate and understand this I a new and profound way. Hold on to your hats Humanity are just learning to fly!

As Man is venturing into the new sciences the masses have trouble coping with the cheer pace of development. One of the most exciting areas of science is genetics and epi-genetics. Epi-genetics means the layers or marks that is on top of genes and DNA chains that controls what genes to turn on and off. This is exciting science because it controls our health, our cells and our resistance for deceases like Asthma, Diabetes, Lupus, Alzheimer and Cancer. A new Epi-genetic Cancer medicine now removes epi-marks to restore the cells themselves to resist the cancer. In other words we are not killing cancer cells, but improving what is already there – our finest machinery. Scientists and doctors like Courtney Griffins and Bruce Lipton has done extensive research in genetics, epi-genetics and stem cells that proves how our 50 trillion cells are heavily affected, influenced and connected to their environment. As if this was not interesting enough these epi-genetic marks can be changed by the way you live your life, what you eat and drink and even what you think! Science has found that you can program and activate many hundreds of your genes through meditation and thinking. This will in the Futures of Man be explained - in a scientific way - and through medical science, that all is connected. The implications of this is that we truly have to look in the mirror and think : What are we ? Who am I – really ? And…what are the source or God in relation to me as a “mere Human being”. Jarle

Science and religion has co-existed for thousands of years now. The common nominator is humanity´s attempt to explain the unseen, the larger than life and the human potential within. To get a grip of the whole picture – a holistic view – you have to consider more than one piece of the puzzle at the same time. Humanity is now existing in a very interesting time of development.

Don't judge your new workmate by appearance but investigate what you can accomplish together. Find your respective strong and less strong areas, learn from each other and get going. Your new colleague may not even be visible, hiding in a cloud or in some function on your computer or phone.

Artificial intelligence helps us develop the most efficient production method with as few raw materials as possible in an energy efficient way. A method that takes place in an environmentally sustainable way. The product itself is easy to transform into new raw material when it has served out with its temporary purpose.


Epigenetics and the influence of our genes - TEDx | Cortney Griffins | TEDxOU 2012


Evolution of possibilities - YouTube | Bruce Lipton | 2013


How genetics and environment work together to shape our destiny -TEDx Milena Georgieva | July 2013


Epigenetics and the environment: emerging patterns and implications


A treasure map to understanding the epigenetic causes of disease


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Introducing Epigenetics: A Graphic Guide


Epigenetics - Lyle Armstrong


The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance

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