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Jon Frang Mostad


"Get me a language that turns attention away from measurement and control, to support and development."

The quote is taken from the meeting with the head of a major Norwegian municipality in 2015. My response was overwhelming - a "new language" means a "new reality".

The CEO’s performance was this; Today's language in leadership is designed for measurement and control, not for support and development. Today's language in leadership is actually developed for an industrial and military purpose. Such a language carries the DNA of power and is not a language for future learning and development. Since I have both military and industrial backgrounds, the boss's starting point has been easy for me to understand.

A language that speaks "support and development" rather than "measurement and control", is a language that has put away the grammar of force. I went to work and took inspiration from the good parents. The caring mother or father, raises their child through a language that supports and develops. My challenge was to replace the grammar of force with linguistic constructions that involve and empower.

In a text like what you are reading now, I have to shorten myself to limiting certain aspects of the language I performed. I have chosen to give you an insight into the IDA language’s three modalities. Perhaps the most complicated side of IDA, which by the way is a language filled with effective tools.

IDA is the language of the future because the language in its dynamics and essence is feminine. Here I am by one of the modalities of IDA - femininity. But first a few words about modality. I understand modality as a form of preparedness, an opportunity that can be activated in a specific context. Femininity is such a contingency that can be activated in a linguistic context with an intentional desire. Let's see what I mean by the term.

Femininity - as an executive source

The term is in my use, liberated from gender. Femininity is a spiritual characteristic of all matter. Very simply, femininity in a spiritual context, synonymous with polarity, is the ability of matter to move. In short, I can say that femininity is the birth-giving and therefore moving source of the universe. The language of the future will be a language that redeems life, moves, develops, challenges, involves and empowers.

The modality's tag-line is: From a spiritual interior to a physical exterior

Let me go to another of the modalities of language.

Ecology - language as an innovative source

The term is in my use, liberated from politics and science. Ecology is a spiritual trait in the relationship between people. Speaking of ecology, IDA acts as a recycling source. Ecology is the modality that makes the difficult but necessary conversation possible. By using linguistic tools, you should be able to harvest what is wrong and at the same time add what is right.

The tag-line of modality is: Harvest of the surplus

The third of the modalities is:

Globality - language as a metaphysical force

The term is in my use, a metaphor liberated from power in its mechanical form. Globality is a spiritual attribute in the understanding of human dignity. All matter is conscious and all matter must be respected in a perspective of evolution. Spirit is human in a material form and represents the evolution of consciousness in a particularly high form and is therefore also protected by universal human rights.

The tagline of modality is: First the subject - then the object

IDA consists of three languages.

The language of intuition, which is the language we speak for "hearing what has no sound, seeing what has no form and understanding what is not thought".

The language of discourse, which is the language we speak when we agree on what the language should be about, framework and content.

The language of the analysis, which is the language we speak when the conversation is to be planned and balanced.

In a previous article, Futures of Man has focused on femininity as a strategy for human challenges in times to come. Follow our articles and share your views.

All the best to you


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Lars Echardt Petersen
Lars Echardt Petersen
17 de nov. de 2020

I think my father subconsciously understood the IDA language.

He watched me as I talked to others.

If he thought I had said something good he said it to me.

You did well, Lars.

Then he told me exactly what was good about what I had said.

That he did it trained my consciousness.

It made me understand that you have to reflect on what you say and what other people say.

Everything people say is a gift.

It does not always seem that way, but it is.

However, some of the gifts are wrapped in chaotic emotions.

I spend a lot of time trying to make sense of what I am experiencing.

What do I need to learn?


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