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Jon Frang Mostad


January 1, 2017 | Jon Mostad

Do I shadow my real life?

I wonder

An old friend - dead for a thousand of years, though living with me,

tells :

"Jon - you`re shadowing your real life"

Throughout my time on earth -

I have been hard working believing I was Me and this is My Life

My old friend shakes his head and denies

- "you`ve failed, Jon, and delayed your Inherent Life"

Confused he calmes me down and explain about

my Inherent and Acquired Life

How beautiful - I love this dead man

Beyond the karmic and sense shaped life I live,

there is a beauty within - namely my Inherent Life

This life is to be released now - and there is still time

When my Accuired Life declines and welcomes my Inherent Life,

my Inner I awakens

Our Inherent Life has allways been within us

waiting for the birds to sing welcoming Dawn -

a new day of our Journey


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